by Goran Lazarevic
3 Djster instances, nested in Ableton Live
Tempo: 72, Time signature 4/4
Instance 1, Mkl3 Mellow Piano
Meter: 2×2
Scale: minor harmonic
Eventfulness: 4
Even length: 40
Metriclarity: 11
Harmoniclarity: 6
Melody scope: 7
Tonic pitch: 60
Pitch center: 59
Pitch range: 13
Chordal weight: 1
Dynamics: 64
Attenuation: 8
Instance 2, Dub Delay
Meter: 2×3
Scale: major
Eventfulness: 8
Even length: 40
Metriclarity: 7
Harmoniclarity: 0
Melody scope: 5
Tonic pitch: 60
Pitch center: 62
Pitch range: 5
Chordal weight: 1
Dynamics: 64
Attenuation: 8
Instance 3, 5ths Vocoder
Meter: 1
Scale: minor harmonic
Eventfulness: 3
Even length: 40
Metriclarity: 4
Harmoniclarity: 1
Melody scope: 6
Tonic pitch: 60
Pitch center: 56
Pitch range: 10
Chordal weight: 1
Dynamics: 64
Attenuation: 8
Great, we have settings here! Now I can try it at home, too 😀
Interesting rhythm!
First time to hear DJster works so lively, good job!